Enerservis Chomutov LLC
Nábytek - Lupínková
Dopravní stavby Urbánek LLC

The company Enerservis Chomutov, s.r.o. (ltd) is a company having electricians working at supplying equipment and services in the area of installing, operation and maintenance of LV, HV and VHV devices. It secures partial installations and exchanges of technology, but also package deals up to the final audit report and checks on putting them in operation.

The company is equipped with mobile technology to ensure diagnostics and measurements right on-site. Our workers have experience of many years from testing devices in the area of transmission system and distribution companies in the energetic system of the Czech Republic.

The company was established in 1994 and since then it has been a supplier of its products and services all over the Czech Republic. It is a holder of many certificates as an authorized supplier of special and diagnostic activities for foreign manufacturers´ advanced technologies.

